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This piece was written during the pandemic while daily life and school was happening on Zoom. As many people felt isolated, Rachael wanted to create a piece that was as a bit unsettling, with moments of peace. The idea of worship is in part inspired by the piece Christian Zeal and Activity by John Adams, and partly from Rachael’s own life experiences. The recording is from a sermon preached by Jason Abbott, a pastor who has been an important mentor in Rachael’s life for many years. Part’s of the sermon are more intricately woven into the piece, so Rachael encourages the use of the words in program notes if possible.

Find more information about Nicole Riner on her website: https://www.nicoleriner.com/

Selections from the sermon as they appear in the piece:

And I said woe is me

For I am lost

For I am a man of unclean lips

And I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips

This idea of worship

What worship is truly about 

To me worship of one of the most powerful things

That we have in our relationship with Jesus Christ

There’s this unbelievable experience

If we define our worship based on the music

We have missed the point of worship entirely

For I am lost

For I am a man of unclean lips 

And I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips

For my eyes have seen the Lord of hosts

So once you have seen the King of the Lord of hosts

You can’t help but see the sin in your life

For I am lost


I think we all get it

I think all of us understand 

We step foot into the throne room of God

And begin the worship process

We can’t help but be faced with the sin in our life

God I pray that you would bring about

A revelation in our hearts, God

An understanding 

Of what we are called to do as Christians

That you would give us a passion 

To worship You with our whole hearts

Lord we thank You 

And we ask these things in Jesus’ Name


We have to take a good long hard look at who we are

Our faults, our shortcomings, our trespasses

Repentance requires honesty

With yourself

Holy Holy Holy is the Lord of hosts, 

The whole earth is filled with His Glory

There’s this unbelievable experience

This idea of worship 

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying

Whom shall I send

And who will go for us?

And I said here I am

Send me

Petit Cirque
Ghost Breath